Convert your Traffic to Revenue

Partner with a regulated broker and earn up to $1000 per qualifed account. Advanced Affiliates and Introducing Brokers can earn more as referrals trade.

Segmented rewarding program

Enjoy a segmented commission structure and enticing incentives designed specifically for each country group and FTD level.

Dedicated account management

Enjoy dedicated support and unlock the exclusive features tailored to your affiliate strategy.

Advanced portal for client analytics

Track your clients’ activity and monitor your campaigns performance.

Marketing Toolkit

Gain access to a wide range of marketing tools to make your traffic monetization easy and effective.

On demand payments and flexible terms

Withdraw your commissions easily, in minutes. No payment restrictions.

Trusted and regulated broker

Reputation is everything. Refer your clients to a regulated and globally trusted broker.

Ready to become a Cerus Markets Affiliate?

Start earning up to $1000 per qualified client.
