Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)

Cerus Markets is strongly committed to providing a premier dealing environment focused on customer experience. As such, Treating Customers Fairly (“TCF”) is central to the delivery of our regulatory principles and is used to ensure that an efficient and effective market place helps consumers secure a fair deal. The TCF strategy has been implemented / embedded into our business culture and processes so that we can physically evidence that our clients can:

  • expect to be treated fairly
  • expect to receive clear and precise documentation and information from us
  • expect to receive a fair and professional service from us; and
  • expect prompt and fair treatment from us in respect of complaints/queries.

We will review our TCF policy on a continual rolling basis so that we always observe these directives. In order to meet your expectations in relation to our services, we are fully committed to treating customers fairly at all times, and, as such, we endeavour to demonstrate the quality of our service as below:

  • We will always ascertain the appropriateness of our services towards new clients prior to offering them an account
  • We will also ensure that our offering is in line with their knowledge and experience
    In addition we will always ensure that product and risk information remains clear and prominent at all times
  • We continually aim to keep you fully informed in a clear and fair manner that is unambiguous and not misleading. We endeavour to ensure that you understand and are reminded of the risks associated with our trading products
  • We provide valuable educational tools and a constantly evolving trading platform to match your trading requirements. We strive to provide an uninterrupted trading service and highly competitive spreads. In addition to this we offer effective and easily understood risk management tools
  • We respond in a timely manner to our customers’ queries and promptly address any issues or concerns. All customer complaints are dealt with and escalated as appropriate and as required by us in order to meet our obligations to you and our regulator.
  • We are committed to providing the best trading experience possible to our clients and welcome any comments you may have to help us deliver this.